Sunday, August 14, 2011

CourseSmart Goes Mobile - Now Available on the Android, iPad, and iPhone

Just as all things in the modern day have become available digitally and online, so have learning and education. Along with online courses and downloadable tutorials have come eTextbooks. eTextbooks cover the entire material of standard textbooks except that they do so on an iPhone, iPad or android. Purchased and downloaded online, eTextbooks are easy to use, always accessible and significantly more affordable than standard textbooks.

Many sites online provide students with these eTextbooks and is among the best of them. Containing an eTextbook library with over 90% of all textbooks in print, CourseSmart is the site that is most capable of giving students the reading material they want and need. By simply typing keywords or titles into the search box, one can find eTextbooks in nearly any publication, edition and possibly even language.

CourseSmart has been so successful in providing students with their eTextbooks not only because of the wide library that they hold but also because of the prices they offer. Offering prices as low as 60% cheaper than standard textbooks, eTextbooks from CourseSmart are hard to say no to; especially because students know that they are not only paying for the reading material but also for the service. With CourseSmart, the downloads are cleaner, smoother and faster, giving one his entire
eTextbook in no more than 5 minutes.

In addition to all this, CourseSmart eTextbooks can be accessed anywhere, anytime, even when one is not connected to the internet. One can also copy and paste texts, print pages and even send information to other students and classmates. You can also grab a coupon that will drastically reduce the cost of your books. Off course its not hard to imagine that we are heavy advocates of this step in the textbook process. For the convenience, the accessibility and for less than half the price of standard textbooks, eTextbooks from CourseSmart are surely a step into the future.

Textbook Rentals for iPad - Do Tablets Hold the Future for Cheap Textbook Buying?

Along with the rest of the modern world, classrooms and colleges are slowly going digital. Although notebooks, pens and textbooks are still being used, they are increasingly being replaced by laptops, tablets and, of course, iPads.

While there are some who are resisting the flow of the trend, others are irresistibly being swept along with it, unable to say no to the instant, practical and easy charm that all digital things seem to offer. Because of this, textbook rentals for iPad are becoming more and more popular. In order to determine whether or not tablets hold the future for cheap textbook buying, one must first know all its advantages and disadvantages.

First, the advantages: with an eTextbook, one has instant access to any needed reading material. One will not have to go out and look for new, updated editions in any large yet under-stocked bookstores. With a few typed words and a flick of the finger, any and every textbook is most likely to be made available to you. Also, having eTextbooks means no lugging around heavy stacks of books because in one lightweight digital device, one can have an entire library waiting. Lastly, there is also the undeniable advantage of eTextbook rentals being much more affordable than purchasing or even renting books in print.

On the other hand, having an eTextbook instead of a printed textbook is also said to have its share of disadvantages. First of all, one must be connected to the internet in order to access these eTextbooks. This means that unless one is at home or at school, one might have to pay extra in order to get an internet connection just to access the material. Also, with eTextbooks, one runs the risks of running out of battery, software glitches and crashing. In addition to this, some reviews for these eTextbooks complain about the poor maintenance and unresponsiveness of the technical support teams.

Having taken a look at both sides, it is difficult to say whether or not eTextbooks are a positive step into the future. Nonetheless, they open up a new avenue for learning and education that definitely appeals to some—something which, at the end of the day, cannot be all too bad.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

eTextbooks for Mobile Devices such as the Android, iPhone and iPad Aim To Help Students Cut Textbook Costs

As many people know, college is not something that is easy to pay for. Apart from large tuition sums, there are the extra and miscellaneous yet equally as important other costs to take care of such as transportation fees, food allowances and, of course, textbook payments. Regardless of how much one tries to save, it is very difficult to get around these extra and miscellaneous costs—until now.

In this modern day and age, standard, heavy and expensive textbooks are slowly being nudged aside in order to make room for eTextbooks. eTextbooks are basically downloadable textbooks made for mobile devices such as the android, iPhone and iPad. eTextbooks share with standard textbooks all things of content and substance, they leave out no words or prefaces or editor’s notes; what the two do differ in is size, weight and of course, cost.

Since eTextbooks are digital files, they take up virtually no space other than in the chip of a single lightweight mobile device. eTextbooks are hence much easier to carry around and store than their standard textbook counterparts. Also, because eTextbooks require no printing and no publishing, they are much more affordable and hence easier on any student’s budget.

Apart from being practical and economical, eTextbooks are also considered to be extremely environmental. While the making of them requires practically nothing in terms of natural resources, the disposal and decomposition of them occurs instantly, with the flick of a finger. In this sense, eTextbooks are not only student-friendly but they are also earth-friendly.

Given these reasons, eTextbooks are a great way for the younger generations of students to save money and learn through a medium that is more in tune with them. Catering to the fast-paced, highly technological appetites of students today, eTextbooks may be exactly what they need.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

CengageBrain for iPad - Browsing Your eTextbooks from Cengage on Your iPad

eTextbooks are a new form of digital learning that is believed by some to be the future of textbooks. Unlike standard textbooks, eTextbooks are lightweight, easier to access, more environmentally friendly and more affordable as well. They come with special features such as additional internet-based information, highlight and un-highlight capabilities, updates and, of course, they never run out of stock either.

For these reasons, eTextbooks have slowly been replacing standard textbooks for many college students of today. Because of their popularity, supplementary programs and applications have also been created to further facilitate and maximize the use of the eTextbook. Among the most widely known of these supplementary applications is Cengagebrain.

Created mainly for iPhone, iPad and android devices, Cengagebrain is an application that enforces the saying “study smarter, not harder.” Cengagebrain allows students to access textbook specific study tools such as quizzes, puzzles and other forms of review. With a catalog system containing over 1000 titles under dozens of topics, the Cengagebrain user need only to type into the search box in order to find what he is looking for. Cengagebrain also gives the user the power to buy or rent the books within its catalog.

Making studying easier yet possibly even more effective, Cengagebrain is an application that truly caters to students looking to excel. It not only helps them remember, review and retain what they have studied but it does so in a language that speaks clearly to them—the language of technology. Given that the youths of today are so perfectly in-tune with all things digital, online and technological, Cengagebrain can keep them interested and always learning.

To get the best possible deals on your eBooks, use a coupon to take advantage of any special promotions being offered by the company. The link will take you to a list of deals updated regularly from sources all over the web.